Am I still protected from domestic violence if the courts are closed? Yes. The entire state of Kentucky is in a state of emergency due to the novel COVID-19 virus. All non-essential business are closed, with essential businesses significantly restricted on how they...
Family Law
How is my child support obligation calculated?
A common question we get at the office, and sometimes at Food Fair buying groceries, is how in the world is my child support obligation calculated? How does the court know how much to make my ex pay me per month? How do I know if this amount is fair? Child support is...
How to get financially ready for a divorce
Prior to getting a divorce, it can be a good idea to review financial documents and create a financial plan for life as a single person. Kentucky residents and others in this situation could benefit by getting documents such as bank statements, credit reports and...
How Parents Can Help Their Kids Get Through Divorce
When parents in Kentucky decide to divorce, their first thought might be how the end of the marriage will impact their children. There are many stories, both positive and negative, of how now-adult children dealt with their parents' divorce. By keeping some key...
Divorce and Retirement Funds Are a Complex Mix
Retirement savings can be one of the most challenging issues for divorcing couples in Kentucky to deal with as part of their divorce negotiations and settlement. Because people have worked long and hard to establish those accounts and build them up, dividing them can...
How Joint Custody Can Help Parents and Children
Parents in Kentucky who are getting a divorce might wonder whether joint custody is the right choice for them and their children. They may have misconceptions about this type of custody that is not backed up by research. Studies actually indicate that the best...
Tax Law Changes to Significantly Affect Spousal Support
Financial matters are often some of the most difficult issues for Kentucky couples to sort out while finalizing a divorce. Alimony payments are often a particularly contentious topic that may lead to lengthy negotiations or extensive court filings. However, the recent...
Key Tips to Remember During Settlement Negotiations
The end of a marriage can be a difficult time for couples in Kentucky. Not only do spouses have to deal with the emotional fallout, but the practical logistics of divorce can also present many challenges. Negotiating with a former partner about the divorce settlement...
Divorces Could Start Early in 2018
For many people living in Kentucky, January is a time of new beginnings. In some cases, this means making the decision to leave a marriage that is no longer working. While divorce is never easy, there are some things that spouses can do to make the process less...
How the Family Home Could Impact a Divorcing Couple
When Kentucky couples start divorce proceedings, deciding child custody and support issues are often given top priority. However, dividing property, including any house they might own, should rank right up there as well. The couple will need to decide if one of them...