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Shorter Days Means Higher Risk for Wildlife Collisions

On Behalf of | Nov 8, 2017 | Car Accidents |

With the shorter days of daylight standard time, wildlife will be hard to spot on the side of the road. The autumn also happens to be the peak mating season for deer, and bears may come out in search of food before they hibernate. These should all be causes for concern among drivers in Kentucky.

In Colorado, for example, the Department of Transportation receives an average of 3,300 wildlife collision reports every year, with more in November than in any other month. Vehicle damage costs can average over $3,400, says the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association.

For this reason, transportation authorities post road signs to warn drivers that they’re entering a wildlife-heavy region. When driving through these areas, drivers are advised to maintain moderate speeds, as this will ensure enough time to react and brake. They should also watch out for movement and shining eyes by the road. Wildlife is usually found in a group, so if one begins to cross, drivers should expect others. Honking the horn and flashing the headlights can keep them away as well as warn other drivers of the danger.

Seat belts halve the risk for serious injuries and death, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Therefore, they should be on at all times.

Speeding and other reckless behavior, when combined with the presence of wildlife, can easily lead to car accidents. Victims of such accidents may want to have a lawyer review the case and see if they might have a valid personal injury claim. The lawyer can use eyewitness testimony, the police investigation report and other evidence in order to pinpoint the party or parties that should be held financially responsible.